Please correct the following error(s):
Please answer as many questions as possible to help make your personal action plan as helpful as possible.
Once completed, you will receive your personalised action plan.
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Added to action plan.
Added to action plan.
Congratulations! Here's your personal action plan to help you stay active and independent and reduce your risk of falling. Use the notes to track progress and aim to complete some of your actions within the next 4-6 weeks.
You can use the options below to download a PDF copy of your action plan or share a copy of your action plan with your friends or family via email.
Try and complete the actions within the next 6 weeks.
Use the options below to download a PDF copy of your action plan, or share a copy of your action plan to your friends or family via email. They can then help you to reduce your risk of a fall.
We'll continue to be in touch and follow up on how your action plan has helped you.